Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dare to Believe!

I have had the good fortune of being raised in a family where my folks did not believe in imposing their religious beliefs on me.... or perhaps i was fortunate enough to be so bull-headed that my parents did not see the point in attempting any such imposition :)) 
The result of this freedom is that i have grown up with very liberal views on the subject of Divinity....and am fortunate enough, yet again, to be a greater believer in God than in religion.... 
Recently had the time and opportunity...and a burst of creativity which produced the following result...sums up my belief system.... 
Feel free to agree or disagree.... God and I are ready for the argument! :))

I believe in someone i can not see
They call Him God and i let it be
Some call him Creator, Father, Mother or Friend
They blame him for creating the universe and for its inevitable end.
Most people think he's scary, I choose to disagree;
He has always been civil when dealing with me.
Most people think he's pricy, and again i disagree;
I talk to him so often and he expects little else from me.
Some say they need to see him to believe he's truly there,
But if only seeing were believing, i dont think i'd care.
Some say he does not speak my language, he will not understand;
I say you do not know HIM, i do not think you can.